This is how I feel when I take my girls anywhere and I consider them to be very good natured and well behaved (for a 6 and 2 year old well behaved is a relative term). I try my absolute best to A) Get wherever we are going early. B) Get in, then get out. C) Have some sort of bribe at the end of our outing. D) Keep a sense of humor. I don't even bat an eyelash anymore when my 2.5 year old licks the shopping cart. My standard response comes tumbling out -- "Get that out of your mouth. That's yuck."
Today, the errands were (sort of) short...Target then a local store called the paper zone. The bribery? A trip to our local kid fave The Jump Around Fun Zone -- which is on the way home.
We made it through the errands and pulled into the parking lot of the fun zone. We walked in the door and I, as always, was surrounded by MY PEOPLE. People looking to wear their kids out. Parents cashing in their bribe chip for a kid's job well done. It was a great day to go...No runny noses or barking coughs, not too crowded. Parents were chatting over coffee, browsing the inter webs on their laptops, catching up on phone calls, or reading books. The kids were bouncing off of...well...everything. But that's what this place is great for. It's filled with bouncy houses. It sounds like the asylum pulled up with a truckload of crazies but I don't even hear it. I'm relieved we crossed a couple of errands off of our list, I have a coffee in hand, and doing some inter web browsing of my own...just taking a few minutes to catch my breath before we head home for the afternoon.
The real pay-off of this stop is at bed time. Two tired kids, asking to be tucked in.
Sweet success.
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