Sunday, February 26, 2012

Garden Planning

I know, a lot of my posts have nothing to do with clothing. Or sewing. Or even crafting but there are lots of lovely things out there that inspire me and here's one of them.

Vegetable Gardening.

Vegetable garden

I don't claim to have a green thumb and I tend to grow most of what I grow simply by luck more than anything but I love the practice of having a garden... Preparing the soil, planting the seeds, labeling the rows and putting up the netting for the peas to climb on. Watching what comes up; and what doesn't. Harvesting and watching my kids snack out of the garden all summer. I just love the experience of it.

Anyhow, I'm in the planning stage. Since my garden isn't in a greenhouse and I only have two 4x12 raised beds I really have to plan what I want and what goes where to maximize it.

Any other gardeners out there? What do you like to grow?

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